Conceria Fratelli Guarino di Donato snc | Company
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Welcome to Fratelli Guarino

Who we are

We are an historical company of Italian tanning with presence all over the world: America, Asia and Europe.

Our history

The visionary Donato Guarino founded the company in the 60s, transforming his craft business into a global industrial reality.

What we offer

We offer the artisan spirit of production but with an industrial character. Our products – obtained from the processing of sheep and goatskin – are destined for the major fashion brands in the footwear, clothing and leather goods sectors.

Our philosophy

We believe that only a product with attention to detail can become a product of excellence. For an absolute customer satisfaction all the processing phases take place within our production site and all production phases are monitored.


Our management team is formed by a group of experts in the tanning industry with international experience. Our sales network is present all over the world and is able to satisfy our customers in a short time.

Our products


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